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Wisdom and Wellness Wrap Up #5

By February 21, 2024No Comments

Hey everyone, Adam here! I trust you’re doing well and thriving in life. Today, I want to delve into the importance of sleep and napping. Maybe I’m feeling a bit tired myself!

Isn’t it amusing how, as kids, we were often sent to bed early as a punishment, or not allowed to stay out late with friends, and now, as adults, those become our goals? Sleep, as we grow older, becomes increasingly precious.

According to Matthew Walker, a renowned sleep scientist, sleep isn’t just downtime; it’s “the most powerful elixir in human health, but it’s not an optional lifestyle luxury. It is a non-negotiable biological necessity.”

So, let’s extract some wisdom and wellness from this topic, shall we?


“When all else fails, take a nap” – Winnie the Pooh

“In a world that never stops moving, taking a nap is an act of rebellion—a declaration that rest is just as important as productivity.” – Unknown

Today, it seems we’ve lost the appreciation for naps and sleep as a culture. We battle sleep in various ways and for different reasons. Some see napping as lazy or a sign of weakness, while others view it as a waste of time. We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” as if sleep were a choice or something we could delay.

But sleep is non-negotiable. Let’s shift our perspective a bit about sleep and napping. Firstly, napping is an investment in a better day, not a weakness. If you can nap responsibly, that is. Four hours isn’t a nap; that’s going to bed. A nap is like 10-20 minutes of recharging.

Secondly, sleep or naps are excellent for increasing focus and creativity. The afternoon slump we feel may be due to biological factors, as many cultures take a siesta during the hottest part of the day.

So, go ahead and take a nap if you can. You’re in good company. Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and even Jesus took naps!


What is sleep? According to Matthew Walker, sleep is “a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.”

What happens when we sleep? Here are a few processes we’re sure are happening:

Memory Consolidation: During sleep, especially during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage, the brain consolidates memories, strengthening neural connections. Studies have shown this, like the one by Rasch & Born (2013) in Nature Neuroscience.

Brain Detoxification: The glymphatic system clears out toxins during sleep, which is crucial for brain health. This detoxing has more to do with reducing inflammation, affecting mental health.

Restoration and Repair: Sleep promotes tissue repair and muscle growth, releasing growth hormone during sleep.

Learning and Creativity: Adequate sleep enhances cognitive performance and creativity. For instance, Lim & Dinges (2008) found that sleep-deprived individuals performed worse on cognitive tasks.

Emotional Regulation: Sleep is crucial for emotional regulation, linked to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Studies show sleep deprivation can lead to negative mood and emotional instability (Palagini et al., 2013).

Physical Health: Sleep regulates immune function, metabolism, and other vital bodily processes. Sleep deprivation can lead to increased susceptibility to infections (Besedovsky et al., 2012).

In conclusion, sleep is more than just unconsciousness; it’s essential for longevity, immune function, and mental health. There’s no scenario where sleeping less is a good thing. You need to sleep. So, prioritize sleep, take a nap when you can, and watch your health, leadership, and family thrive.

Blessings, Adam


  1. Rasch, B., & Born, J. (2013). Sleep enhances memory consolidation. *Nature Neuroscience*, 16(2), 157-166. 
  2. Diekelmann, S., & Born, J. (2010). The memory function of sleep. *Current Opinion in Neurobiology*, 20(6), 654-662. 

3.Lim, J., & Dinges, D. F. (2008). Sleep deprivation and vigilant attention. Sleep, 31(4), 565-572.

4.Miro, E., & Cano-Pumarega, I. (2015). The effects of sleep deprivation on problem-solving abilities. Journal of Sleep Research, 24(5), 587-596.

  1. Palagini, L., et al. (2013). Sleep deprivation, oxidative stress and its correlation with

psychological symptoms in patients with major depression: A case–control study. Journal of Sleep Research, 22(2), 220–225.

  1. Baglioni, C., et al. (2011). Sleep and mental disorders: A meta-analysis of polysomnographic research. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(1), 83–92.
  2. Besedovsky, L., Lange, T., & Born, J. (2012). Sleep and immune function. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(1), 11-19.
  3. Cedernaes, J., & Benedict, C. (2018). Could a good night’s sleep improve metabolic health? A review of the literature. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, 440.


Adam Braud

Author Adam Braud

I'm Adam Braud, a Certified Fitness Professional. I’m a Louisiana native that hails from Baton Rouge! My fitness journey began at age 14 when I joined a friend and his dad for a workout at the gym, and I’ve never looked back. Along with my passion for fitness, I have a deep and genuine love for people. I’ve been able to express a lot of that through nearly thirty years of ministry experience. I integrate my love for fitness and people by providing a unique coaching experience through my app, public speaking, and 1:1 training. I couple science-based fitness with care for the whole person. My hope is to help people to take care of themselves in a way that allows them to be around and do the work they feel called to for a long time to come.

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