Hey there, I’m Adam Braud!

I’m a Louisiana native that hails from Baton Rouge!

My fitness journey began at age 14 when I joined a friend and his dad for a workout at the gym, and I’ve never looked back.

Along with my passion for fitness, I have a deep and genuine love for people. I’ve been able to express a lot of that through nearly thirty years of ministry experience. Helping people, building the Church, and resourcing kingdom-minded causes are all things I’ve devoted my life to. During my time in vocational ministry, I’ve been to over 30 countries where I’ve had the opportunity to serve in various capacities, from working with film and media, doing humanitarian work, and even serving as missionary pastors with my wife Kim in Southern Africa for 2 years.

As I worked more closely with people who devote their lives to helping others, I realized how many sacrifice their health for the welfare of others. This spurred me to start Adam Braud Fitness.

I integrate my love for fitness and people by providing a unique coaching experience through my app, public speaking, and 1:1 training. I couple science-based fitness with care for the whole person.

My hope is to help people to take care of themselves in a way that allows them to be around and do the work they feel called to for a long time to come.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people from all walks of life, including college football players, jiu-jitsu competitors, pastors, business leaders, CEOs, adolescent athletes, and grandmothers. The individual needs may vary, but the results are all the same: better health, body composition, and performance.

I have a love for all things fitness! There’s something about trying new things and challenging myself to push my limits. I’ve run two ultramarathons and competed in a triathlon, Crossfit, and a 65km mountain bike race across a game reserve in Southern Africa.

I’ve been married to my wife Kim since 2001, and we’ve been having adventures ever since.

Whether kayaking in the rainforest, diving with great white sharks in Capetown, battling dengue fever on vacation in Belize, or chasing monkeys out of our house in Swaziland, we embrace life full-on and embrace it for all it’s worth. In 2011 we embarked on our biggest adventure to date when we welcomed our daughter, Zoë. When I’m not lifting weights, coaching, or spending time with my family, you’ll probably find me doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, bow hunting, or eating.