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Keys to Life Change: Embracing Health and Faith


Ever feel like you’re putting your health on the back burner while you’re busy serving others? It’s a classic oversight, especially for those in nonprofit and ministry sectors. We’re all about others, right? But let’s flip the script and focus on how you can create a rock-solid game plan for your health. We’re talking about tackling those common roadblocks and weaving faith into your wellness journey.


Developing a Success Game Plan


Creating a game plan for success is crucial. But let’s be real — all of us stumble. We get caught in the web of unrealistic expectations, overly restrictive diets, bad information, emotional rollercoasters, and cookie-cutter plans that don’t fit our unique lives.


Common Reasons for Failure


Why do our health goals often crash and burn? Let’s break it down:


  • Unrealistic Expectations: We’re all for instant gratification—rapid change and dramatic weight loss sound great but rarely stick. The vast majority of people gain back what they lost plus some. Remember it took time to get where you are now…it will take time to reverse that. Be patient.


  • Overly Restrictive Approaches: Cutting out entire food groups or making drastic changes is a recipe for disaster. This is usually the approach taken when we have unrealistic expectations. Small changes are usually the best approach to start with because they are sustainable. 


  • Lack of Sustainability: Quick fixes? More like quick failures. We need plans that only creates a minimal amount of disruption to life. We are all people of habit. The more drastic the change the harder it is to sustain for a long time. But minimal change can be sustained and that change compounds with time.


  • Misunderstanding Information: It is very common to believe you know what to do with diet and exercise. It is a common misconception that it is “simple”. Just eat less and move more, right? No. Remember these are fields people get doctoral degrees in. Studying, and learning are crucial. This may be where a coach can be very helpful. 


  • Emotional Challenges: Our health struggles often have deep emotional roots that need addressing. This is many times what is actually setting you back on your journey to health. Trauma, poor mindsets, and negative self image can be running in the background and you are unaware of their influence. A licensed therapist or counselor could help greatly. Remember you are a full person with body, soul and mind. They all need caring for. 


  • Lack of Individualization: One-size-fits-all plans at best fit 70% of people. Finding a plan or a person who can create a plan for you is key to seeing success with minimal setback. 


Understanding these pitfalls is your first step to creating a sustainable health strategy that actually works. But the foundational piece to all life change starts with the next point. 


The Thermostat Analogy


Picture this: your self-identity is a thermostat. If your actions don’t match your self-perception, you’ll eventually revert to your old ways. For real change, you need to sync your actions with a new, healthier self-identity. Remember, behavior aligns with who we believe we are, not who we wish to be. Willpower alone? Not gonna cut it. We need identity-based changes.


Who you are and who you see yourself as is really gonna make or break your attempts at changing. 


Creating Affirmation Statements


Changing your identity starts with crafting personal affirmation statements. Here are a few to get you going:


“I am the kind of person who chooses health over convenience.”

“I honor God with my body.”

“I sleep eight hours a night.”


These are not “I try…” statements. By stating “I am” you are creating and reinforcing who you want to be. 


I would suggest writing these down and repeating them in the morning with your devotional time or meditation. 


These statements are your daily reminders, helping you stay on track with your new identity.


Setting Specific, Measurable Goals


Define clear, measurable health goals. Be precise about what you want to achieve and how you’ll track your progress. For instance, if your aim is to improve body composition, outline the exercises and volume needed to target specific areas. No vague goals allowed—be laser-focused. 

Are there blood test numbers you need to improve? Write down the number you need to hit and work a sustainable plan to achieve that. If you are not sure how to do that a coach can help. 


Do this for all your goals you want to hit. Make it measurable not feelings based. 


Integrating Faith and Health


Here’s the secret sauce: connect your health goals with your faith. The Holy Spirit is your ultimate coach, providing comfort and guidance. Your health isn’t just about you; it’s essential for fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. By taking care of yourself, you’re better equipped to serve others and live out your calling. 


So, ask God for help. Seek his wisdom and strength. He is invested in your thriving. Will he not do what you need to fulfill your purpose in life? Of course he will. 


Encouragement and Action Steps


Investing in your health now is crucial. Take a hard look at the pros and cons of making changes and embrace the steps needed to shift your identity. Write down your affirmation statements, incorporate them into your daily devotions, and pray for the strength to make these changes.


Your health is vital for your purpose in life. Start today by aligning your behavior with your new self-identity, backed by your faith. For more resources, grab the free Faith and Fitness Starter Pack on my website, and follow me on Instagram for ongoing support and insights. Together, we can thrive and fulfill the work God has called us to do. Let’s do this!


Adam Braud

Author Adam Braud

I'm Adam Braud, a Certified Fitness Professional. I’m a Louisiana native that hails from Baton Rouge! My fitness journey began at age 14 when I joined a friend and his dad for a workout at the gym, and I’ve never looked back. Along with my passion for fitness, I have a deep and genuine love for people. I’ve been able to express a lot of that through nearly thirty years of ministry experience. I integrate my love for fitness and people by providing a unique coaching experience through my app, public speaking, and 1:1 training. I couple science-based fitness with care for the whole person. My hope is to help people to take care of themselves in a way that allows them to be around and do the work they feel called to for a long time to come.

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